The many health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

January 8, 2016 painremedies Health Benefits

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For many years now, apple cider vinegar is a popular natural health cure, remedy and relief. Vinegar has been used for many health problems as an alternative medicine.

Apple cider vinegar has lots of health benefits that are supported by many doctors and medical scientists.

From weight loss to improving symptoms of diabetes, with its raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized content, apple cider vinegar surely gives you a natural relief not excluding that it is also good as dressing to your salad.

Here are some of the health benefits you can get from apple cider vinegar:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) helps lower your blood sugar level – specially for diabetics, ACV is very helpful to stabilize the blood sugar level to prevent from using and being dependent to insulin.  Taking 2 tablespoons of ACV before bedtime can stabilize your sugar level.
  • .Reduces blood sugar by 34%
  • ACV is helpful for people trying to lose some excess poinds.  Add 2 teaspoons of ACV to water (16 ounces prefereably) and you may sipped this liquid a whole day
  • ACV is a natural detoxification that can help balanceing your body’s pH (6)
  • ACV helps to stimulate cardiovascular circulation and help detoxify the liver.
  • ACV give benefits for some cardiovascular diseases. ACV contains the antioxidant chlorogenic acid which protect te LDL cholesterol level by oxidizing some of the heart diseases.
  • ACV helps maintaining a good blood pressure that is one of the factors of any cardiovascular problems.
  • ACV can help prevent cancer cells growth. In ancient times, vinegar can kill cancer cells.
  • ACV helps balances the entire inner system of the body.  It helps in maintaining a healthy alkaline pH level.
  • ACV helps to break up mucus throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. ACV also help with allergies that causes sinus congestion.
  • ACV reduces heartburn. ACV corrects low acid to reduce heartburn. A teaspoon of ACV followed by a glass of water.
  • ACV reduces formation of candida that may cause thrush specially to women. Candida is also blamed for creating symptoms of fatigue, poor memory and yeast infections.

If you think ACV only benefits your health, here are some household and personal hygiene use of ACV:

  • ACV can detoxify your home if fermented.
  • ACV is natural air freshener. If use to clean the toilets, not only it will leave your toilets bacteria free but it will also leave an apple scented (3)
  • ACV  can also be used in dishwashers as a substitute for dish detergent.
  • ACV can also be used to clean microwaves, kitchen surfaces, windows, glasses, and mirrors, too.
  • ACV is very effective to prevent flea infestation on your pets.
  • ACV removes teeth stain.
  • ACV helps making your hair healthy and shine by adding 1/2 tablespoon of ACV to a cup of col water. Pour a portion after shampooing your hair.
  • ACV is a natural aftershave.
  • Helps with your sunburn.
  • A natural massage treatment.

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