Remedies to ease Shingles

October 5, 2015 painremedies DiseaseTai Chi

th (6)Shingles is an infection that is viral and may cause painful rash on the body.  Rashes can be found in any part of your body but commonly affects the torso.

Like the causes of chicken pox, shingles is cause by varicella zoster virus (one of the herpes viruses that infect humans. Other herpes viruses include HSV1, HSV2, Epstein-Barr virus and Cytomegalovirus)

This virus if more common among older people than children.

Headache, fever and malaise are common symptoms of shingles.  Followed by burning pain, itching, heperesthesia.  Such sensations like stinging, tingling, aching, numbing and th (3)throbbing are also symptoms of shingles.

Older people with shingles should be treated instantly to prevent complications.  If not treated, the pain may wore off slowly and complications might spread.

Shingles complications may be:

  • Loss of vision
  • Paralysis
  • Skin infection
  • Nerve pain

There are natural remedies for shingles but, you still need to consult a doctor for thorough treatment and proper medicine prescription.

Here are some ways to treat, prevent and lessen the pain caused by shingles|

  • Take a bath – water is the natural and purest medicine to treat shingles.  Cool water eases the burning sensation it causes. Never use hot water. Hot water will further irritate you skin and worsen the rash.  Oatmeal and starch baths can heal skin irritation.


  • Apply soothing lotion – Never use scenter lotions.  It will add to irritation to your skin.  Calamine lotion is recommened.  See to it that you hands are clean while applying lotion to the infected part and after applying, wash your hands to prevent spreading of the virus.
  • Capsaicin Cream – this cream has been used for centuries as a pain reliever for people with shingles.  It will lessen pain and easier to tolerate.  But you need to ask your doctor if this cream will not irritate your skin type. Capsaicin is a pepper.


  • Mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water and use a cotton cloth to moisten the affected areas.

apple cider

  • Sponge the blisters and rash with vitamin E oil, apple cider vinegar, goldenseal, mugwort and/or peppermint tea.
  • Apply baking soda and water as a cold compress.

baking soda

  • Mix aloe vera gel, raw honey and leek juice and apply to the rash.

aloe vera

  • Dab infected blisters with colloidal silver or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Several studies including one sponsored by the NHS have found Tai Chi to be an effective behavioral treatment, boosting immunity and helping prevent shingles in older adults.

tai chi

  • Complete bed rest is essential, as this will allow your immune system to regain its strength. It will also encourage proper healing
  • If the pain is severe, use an over-the-counter pain killer such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Doctor’s prescription is a must.
  • Consumming garlic in every meal will be beneficial to patients with shingles as it is antiviral in nature and may help to promote healing in case of shingles. You can add garlic to foods or have garlic capsules twice daily for one week.
  • Licorice may boost immunity and possesses antiviral properties. Apply licorice ointment in the infected area or drink licorice tea. You can also apply licorice tea in the affected area thrice every day until the rash subsides.

licorice tea


natural healingShinglesViral IllnessViral Infection

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