The sweetest health benefits from chocolates

December 14, 2015 painremedies Food health benefits

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Chocolates!! Who doesn’t love chocolates?

There are lots of chocolate products in the stores and you can’t just choose your favorite because for sure, there will be another chocolate product that you will say it is your favorite.

Dark, sweet, salty chocolates, they are comfort food.

Chocolates are made from the best cocoa and it has been a tradition to create a concoction from cocoa since the Mayan age.

One of the favorite Mayan beverage is the sipping of chocolate with a dash of (7)

The Spanish in the 16th century began the tradition to sweetened the chocolate drink and made it with warm water.

Until in the 17th century, the French discovered that drinking chocolates fights away anger and bad moods because of its comforting aroma and taste hot chocolate drink brings.

And as the history of chocolate drink progress, the more health benefits of drinking of chocolates were discovered.

Drinking chocolate and cocoa reduces stress level hormones and it is well known that it is an antioxidant.

Here are some of the health benefits you can get from cocoa:

  • Being an antioxidant, cocoa help prevent cancer
  • Help prevents heart diseases
  • Help prevents age-related mascular degenration
  • Help fights free radicals in the body that causes rapid aging
  • Antioxidant found in cocoa is twice stronger than green tea and four times th (8)stronger than black tea
  • Antioxidant found in cocoa is twice as strong as red wine
  • A cup of hot cocoa contains 611 milligrams of the phenolic compound gallic acid equivalents (GAE) and 564 milligrams of the flavonoid epicatechin equivalents (ECE). The antioxidant gallic acid is used to treat internal hemorrhages, albuminuria (the presence of albumin in the urine, which can indicate kidney disease) and diabetes.
  • Cocoa generally has much less fat per serving
  • The flavonoids help your body process nitric oxide thus cocoa can improve blood flow
  • Help lower your blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • The flavonoids in hot chocolate also help prevent platelets in your blood from mingling together and forming clots.
  • Drinking hot chocolate can help boost your memory and helps you to think better.
  • The flavonoids increase the blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

AntioxidantChocolatesCocoaFood Benefits

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