Natural remedies to cure varicose veins

December 7, 2016 painremedies FeetKnee

Varicose veins is a common problem for people specially women who are over 50, overweight and even for women who gave birth. These are an abnormally enlarged veins appear in the skin.


0 blood circulationherbal medicineKnee AilmentLeg ailmentnatural curesNatural Medicinenatural reliefnatural supplementvaricose veinsVeins and artery

What your body tells you about your illness

November 17, 2016 painremedies DiabetesDiseaseEyeLiverMouthSkin

Did you know that our body can tell your illness? If you don’t know yet … it’s not too late to be aware that our bodies will let us know that something is wrong with our health. Our bodies give us warning signs initially for potential life-threatening or long illness, if only we listen and become […]


0 Common disease symptomsSignsSymptoms

Eye Yoga Exercise

November 13, 2016 painremedies EyeVideo ExercisesYoga Exercises

Did you know that we the so-called Eye Yoga that can help your strained tired eyes relaxed? Average adults are now spending a lot of hours in front of the computer screens that sometimes are source of blurry vision, itchy and watery eyes. Headaches, double vision may also happen with this kind of lifestyle.


0 eye healtheyestaking care of your eyesVideo Exercisevideo instructionyogaYoga Exercise

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