Getting rid of dandruff problems

November 17, 2015 painremedies Head

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Dandruff is a dermatological condition and unlike what the old belief thought, it is totally harmless.  It is a condition of dead skin cells shed from the scrap that froms flaking.

Most of suffering with dandruff affects their social life and being questioned how they take care of their personal hygiene.

But because of modern medicine and hygienic products in the market, dandruff is easy to cure.

The quickest way to cure dandruff is to change your regular shampoo that you use and always brush your hair to massage your scalp. Brushing your hair also makes it healthy and shiny.

If you are going to use dandruff shampoos available in the market, always see to it that there are these active ingredients in every bottle:

  • Coal tar
  • Salicylic acid and sulfur
  • Pyrithione zinc
  • Selenium sulfide
  • Ketoconazole

There are also natural ways in preventing dandruff.

Here are some of the natural products that you may never thought, its just in the cabinets of your kitchens:

  • Apple cider vinegar – because of its high potassium content, apple cider vinegar is an effective cure against the dry and itchy scalp associated with dandruff. Using this also cures dead skin cells in the scalps.

apple cider

  • Egg – use raw egg precisely. Chinese, Indians and Japanese have been using raw eggs to cure dandruff. Apply beaten egg on your scalp, massage your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes to 1 hour. After applying it, wash your hair and scalp thoroughly with a mild shampoo and conditioner.

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  • Black pepper – using black pepper is also one of the old ways in treating dandruff. Black pepper has zinc and selenium that are useful in dandruff treatment. In using black pepper, mix two teaspoons of black pepper with yogurt and apply the solution on your scalp. Leave it for an hour then wash it thoroughly with a mild shampoo with conditioner.

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  • Olive oil – olive oil is is a natural moisturizer. If you want to use olive oil, you need to heat it in a lukewarm temperature so not to burn your scalp, then apply and massage your scalp. Leave it like that overnight then in the morning rinse your hair thoroughly.

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  • Lemon juice with sandalwood or garlic – sandalwood and garlic has an antimicrobial properties which is very effective in dandruff remedy. Mix lemon juice to two parts garlic or sandalwood and apply it to the affected area of your scalp. Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse with a mild shampoo and conditioner.

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  • Neem – neem has an anti-fungal properties. Neem leaves or neem oil can be applied to the scalp as an effective treatment for not only dandruff. Using neem oil also help in lice and other scalp infections cure. Leave it for one hour and rinse your hair thoroughly with mild shampoo and conditioner.

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Dandruffhome medicinehome reliefNatural Medicinenatural reliefScalp

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