Natural pain relievers

February 19, 2016 painremedies BackHeadSkin

Is your pain bothering you? Are you in pain?

There are hundreds of over-the-counter pain killer/reliever in so many drugstores that are being prescribed to you by your doctor.  But still, even if its already prescribed, you are still not satisfied and still feel the pain.

Some are still old school and prefer the natural pain relievers that you can just easily pick in the garden or turn to herbalists for consultation and prescribe the best herbal medicine for your pain.

Like the hundreds of pain relievers you can find in your nearest drugstores, there are also hundreds of natural pain relievers that you may satisfy and get you off of your pain.

Here are some of the best natural pain relievers you can try:

  •  Arnica – is a favorite natural pain reliever of athletes. It has an anti-inflammatory properties that you can rub its oil after intense sport activities, injury or after surgery.


  • Aquamin – this is a powerful pain reducer.  Arthritis pain reduced by 20% after using aquamin in a month time. Helping to diminish inflammation and helps to build bone. Aquamin is rich in both calcium and magnesium, too.


  •  Boswellia – its resin is used to thwart chemical reactions that cause inflammation, and thus pain. Boswellia has been used as pain reliever for centuries and is used to treat arthritic conditions, as well as inflammatory bowel disease.


  •  Bromelain –  reduces levels of prostaglandins, which are hormones that induce inflammation, in addition to those suffering trauma-related inflammation. The enzyme also promotes healing in muscles and connective tissues. Pineapple stems are a rich source of bromelain.


  •  Capsaicin  – is mostly found in hot chili peppers. Capsaicin, the active pain-reducing ingredient, temporarily desensitizes nerve receptors called C-fibers which cause the pain response.  A 60-minute application in a patient with neuropathic pain is very effective and can feel a no-pain feeling for 12 weeks. Capsaicin also heals soreness. It is also good for migraine and headache.


  •  Cherries – contains anthocyanins that gives the redness of the cherries, that block inflammation and inhibit pain enzymes. Cherries have the highest anti-inflammatory content making them great for remedying issues such as arthritis.


  •   Cranberry Juice – best for people with ulcers. Cranberry juice reduces the pain that attacks the lining of the stomach and small intestines.

cranberry juice

  •  Devil’s Claw  – among the many health and pain benefit of this plant is a relief for people having liver problems and heart burn. Its anti-inflammatory effects reduce pain from arthritis, headaches, and low back discomfort.

devil's claw

  •  Eucommia – is a traditional Chinese medical that are best pain reliever for people having back and joint pains.especially in the hips and knees, and also to strengthen bones, tendons and ligaments. Eucommia helps heal tissue that is slow to mend after an injury or that has been weakened through stress.



  • Ginger – a natural anti-inflammatory, has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese to cure pain, ginger helps relieve nausea, arthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps and muscle soreness. Ginger also helps in relief from pain by applying a ginger compress to the affected area.



  • Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) – can be found in numerous seed oils. Consuming food with GLA reduces nerve pain associated with diabetic conditions.



  • Holy Basil – has an anti-inflammatory properties curcumins which ease inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

holy basil


  • Peppermint  – is most often used as a natural remedy for toothaches, discomfort from bloating and gas, joint conditions, skin irritations, headaches and muscle pain.


  •  Turmeric - has plenty of pain-relief benefits, possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and also helps to improve circulation and prevent blood clotting. It is a traditional medicine for easing the pain of sprains, strains, bruises and joint inflammation, as well as for treating skin and digestive issues. Turmeric comes from its active ingredient – curcumin, which lowers the levels of two enzymes in the body that cause inflammation.


  • Valerian Root  – has been used for centuries to regulate the nervous system and relieve insomnia, tension, irritability, stress, and anxiety. Valerian also reduces sensitivity of the nerves.

valerian root

  • White Willow Bark  –  has an active ingredient salicin, which the body converts into salicylic acid. Whit willow bark lowers the body’s levels of prostaglandins, hormone-like compounds that can cause aches, pain, and inflammation. This herb is also a relief from menstrual cramps, muscle pains, arthritis, or after knee or hip surgery as it promotes blood flow and reduces swelling.

white willow bark

  • 6. Wintergreen Essential Oil –  contains 85.99% methyl salicylate that is also found in aspirin.







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