herbal medicine

Natural remedies to cure varicose veins

December 7, 2016 painremedies FeetKnee

Varicose veins is a common problem for people specially women who are over 50, overweight and even for women who gave birth. These are an abnormally enlarged veins appear in the skin.


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Natural relief for rhinitis

April 8, 2016 painremedies Food health benefitsHerbal MedicinesThroat

Rhinitis is a very common allergy that happens at any age. Once you contracted this kind of allergy, majority of it, will be carried over as you age.


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Natural relief for arthritis

April 5, 2016 painremedies ArmFeetKneeToes

Arthritis is a joint inflammation disorder and it is most common to older people 60 years and above.  But it doesn’t mean that this is  a disease of older people.  Nowadays, there are young people afflicted with arthritis and this is becoming so alarming because there so many of the younger generation with this disease.


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