home relief

Natural remedies for Constipation

November 9, 2015 painremedies Stomach

How will you feel if in a very normal day outside for you is all fun and adventure then suddenly, potty problem arises?  What will you do?  Why is it happening now when you know, you ate the right food this morning?


0 constipationhome reliefnatural curesNatural Medicine

7 home and natural relief for pain

October 20, 2015 painremedies BackKneeNeckSkin

Pain is the most common reason why you go to your doctors.  Minor or major pain, it is a distressing feeling that makes you more irritable, stress and problematic.


0 CapsaicinFish OilGarlicherb medicineherbal medicinehome medicinehome reliefnatural curesnatural healingNatural MedicineTumeric

Home relief and exercise for knee pain

October 19, 2015 painremedies KneeVideo Exercises

Knee pain is no longer an athlete’s pain or a hard work activity pain, but did you know that knee pain is now incredibly a very common pain that affecting many people whatever their age maybe, or how hard their works may be, or how athletic you may be.


0 home reliefjoint pain exercisesKnee AilmentKnee PainVideo Exercise

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